I appreciate the feedback.
It is very helpful for the students to understand the scope of a project like this and how it extends beyond the Convergence Center where they work.
External input reminds them this is a publication that reaches out into their community and beyond.
A few excerpts:
jcranefwst said... "... I think there's already enough going on in the nameplate that you don't necessarily need any variation between 'TCU' and 'Daily', I'd keep them consistent and focus on creating the right contrast between 'TCU Daily' and 'Skiff'...
... Good luck with the redesign, keep up the good work."
Anonymous said... "...I like the frog pond graphic next to the S in Skiff...
... You guys are doing great! Let's see some more samples!"
Gayla Jett Shannon said... "My preference is #1 but perhaps omitting [Ext. 1902] - it seems to hang off the end. #1 seems sturdiest and most professional and "happening" at the same time. "
Kathryn Hopper said... "I like #4 - very clean and fresh. I also like having everything the same typeface. "
Tomorrow, the students will bring in updated versions and page one layouts.
Friday I'll post a few of the presentations.
Several people have asked about our timetable.
I created a back-out schedule in May that we have been operating from.
The original intent was to make the redesign a summer class to run over four weeks in June, but when the class concept was set aside, I backed the schedule out into May.
Many of the team did a great deal of foundation work on the project before the "fun" part of the redesign began.

The redesign schedule has been posted just above this text and if you click on it, it will pop up to a more readable size.
The nameplate must be completed by the second week of June. The designers will then work with Bitsy to create a treatment that will be placed on the sides of our new racks.
Bitsy will send off the design to our vendor who will build the new racks and deliver them to us in mid-July.
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