Julie and Kayla have been refining the flush left nameplate treatments.
One of the challenges is including the many elements the TCU Daily Skiff requires into the nameplate.
Another is keeping the freshness of the flush left display but incorporating a treatment that will stand with authority as a source of daily news and community information.
Samples are shown above.
Please leave comments.
Refer to the numbers below each nameplate when leaving a comment.
I'd like to see what a combination of the TCU DAILY from No. 1 and the 'Skiff' from No. 3 looks like.
ReplyDeleteI think there's already enough going on in the nameplate that you don't necessarily need any variation between 'TCU' and 'Daily', I'd keep them consistent and focus on creating the right contrast between 'TCU Daily' and 'Skiff'.
It may worth taking another look at the kerning on the word Skiff as well, to see if you can tighten it up in spots.
Good luck with the redesign, keep up the good work.
I agree with jcranefwst but I like the frog pond graphic next to the S in Skiff.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can try changing the font of SKIFF in No. 1 to the font of SKIFF in No. 3 and space out the TCU DAILY across, all the way to the end of the last F in SKIFF. And maybe change the TCU DAILY font to a different sans serif font.
You guys are doing great! Let's see some more samples!
My preference is #1 but perhaps omitting [Ext. 1902] - it seems to hang off the end. #1 seems sturdiest and most professional and "happening" at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI like #4 - very clean and fresh. I also like haviing everything the same typeface.